tired thursdays


it's officially been 4 full months of daily blogging. About 1,600 views later and I'd say we have come a long way. I'm still tired though lol, even while writing this post.

3 more months starts now, classes end on the first week of May and man oh man I cannot wait for those times. I look forward to being able to travel, get out, and enjoy life. I only hope that I can build the future for myself and my family that I aspire to have.

I really cannot wait to just be surrounded by people who aspire for more in life. good spiritual people who do more others than for themselves. those that believe that there is more to life than just what we see everyday. Yeah I like to get out and have fun too but man, when you're broke you're broke. you have to work hard for the things you want while being happy with what you have. there's a balance.

I have another video coming tonight hopefully, I'm trying to change gears for the channel here so I hope you guys will take the time to watch. I really want to motivate others to get out and pursue their dreams. I wanna make a difference for the lives of other people, especially my close friends and family. My videos, have to be better, they have to be of my kind of quality. I want to spread the message that yes, there is more to life and that anything can be done with proper education, a little motivation, and hard work. You have to want more out of life.

I now have about 30 emails to work with, I am learning more everyday. I'm working on fb ads/google ads for marketing. I'm gonna try to get some certifications in Information Tech/computer repair. I have surpassed the 10k view mark on YouTube but to be expected, those **** have yet another criteria before I can monetize my channel. Honestly that may be for the best anyways, I'm not getting any views right now. No one cares about my channel, so the goal isn't to make quick money, money would never be the goal regardless. Rather I need to continue to work to build my audience and perfect my craft.

I also have a new tennis student :) hopefully that goes over well, a 12 y/o girl. I for sure can't wait to be able to make a difference for the next generations, they matter most I believe. I myself am not that up to date on worldly news but I know that we are definitely not helping our planet, nor are we solving any of the real issues we face to survive. I want to contribute my part.

I might post again.

Thanks for reading


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