the start to a good week


it's Sunday :)

I'm gonna make the best of this day. thanks again Liana for the support and motivation, I've decided to make some major changes to better take care of myself while still making progress. It just doesn't make much sense to approach these next 3 months by making life unbearable just to get ahead.

I'm gonna build my social media, I'm gonna build my business and customer list, and I'm gonna get through my classes. It's asking for a lot but I'm gonna make sure that I actually enjoy the next 3 months. We have a car show this upcoming weekend, I'm gonna change my routine a bit to include more exercising and water in my diet, and I'm gonna try to hang out with friends more often.

today my main priority is to finish my homework and begin studying for my quiz tomorrow, that's it.

after I've done those 2 I will work on the pages for my website , getting my financials together to be able to launch my business as well as make the remaining investments needed, I also need to begin looking for a birthday gift for a special someone, then I also need to get back to my to-do list of things I've needed to get done recently.

the weather is rainy and stormy here so today will be a perfect day to stay inside and work, and thankfully not go out and spend anymore money 😒

thanks so much for the support guys, I'm also hoping to have a new YouTube video ready for today, it will be a good one!!

keep moving forward


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