I'm a YouTuber :)


Lol so I heard this funny joke about Valentines Day in case you don't have a valentine or you just have worries about this "special" day. I heard it on the radio as of course and thought it was pretty funny.
those without a Valentine are dreading the fact that they don't have a Valentine while those in a relationship and therefore have a Valentine, will dread the fact that they do. Because those in a relationship wish they were single to then go out and find someone else lol
It's crazy how that works but it's a bit of a sad truth in our society nowadays. people aren't loyal, and people aren't committed.

guys I'm getting more comfortable with vlogging which is PERFECT. it's great for me, it's happening at a great time. It's just really gonna help. I'm really hoping to begin uploading more frequently, this should help with me being able to do that. I have a message to give out to the world, I will be great. I won't settle for "normal" life, I will make a difference.

I'm planning to order my go-pro soon, maybe tonight if I finish this post quick enough 😏
but rather than end quickly, I want to provide some value tonight so buckle up and settle in...

guys we only get to live this life once. I seriously don't understand how so many people become content with "the hand they're dealt," while at the same time I clearly understand how.
in a world with so many people, so much "goods" and services to be exchanged, and so few in control. they're can only be a few in control I suppose (politically).

you grow up, go to school, (hope to) get a good job, then retire after 50+ years.

it's the same wherever you are in the world. even worse/better in my opinion in parts of the world other than the US. while yes, there is a greater potential for success in the United States, the people here, the quality of life generally, and the overall culture is just terrible. thank god for immigration aka people not born here, coming here

just the other day my interaction with a french mate of mine, goodness. you can tell immediately when speaking with a french man, and not just by his accent or hair texture. the people here, and I'll speak specifically to my own experiences, life on the college campus, no one talks to one another. it's a rarity to see people just say hi as they walk right by one another.

that goes the same for a college campus, the average work place, and sometimes within homes which is just sad. life is tough, everyone wants more money yet so few hold the most amount of money.

as I mentioned in the earlier post, roughly an hour ago which stands as the make-up post for Monday, you have to enjoy these moments. we have to make the best of what we have and be appreciative of it because even I, who has never been outside the US nor to many states within the US, know that we have it easy. life in other parts of the world are experiencing things far far far worse than the simple issues that we face here in the states.

how can you not have a job when businesses have "hiring" signs up every single day. how can you complain about now having enough money when all you do is sit around, eat, then sleep.

it really does frustrate me that I've been put, allowed myself to be put in such a position where I have to fight so hard just to be "free again." I'm over $50,000 in debt which is a lot of dang money. this normally gives cause to people not doing much or going far in life.

as for me, there's no way I can have this debt on my back beyond age 30. I have to be "free" again to serve my true purpose which isn't gonna happen with some random job.

I'm going to continue this discussion tomorrow guys, I must finish some homework. but just remember, you have to do what you have to in order to be able to do what you want to. big things in life require sacrifices, even things that we all encounter such as having a baby or going to college. but what I'm referencing, becoming a global influencer with everything you want in life takes a lot of sacrifice and hard work, but it'll be worth it.

thanks for reading


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