i can't believe it's only Tuesday but I'm not complaining


my friend and business partner is turning 21 tomorrow, 21 on the 21st of the month 😏

time just moves so quickly and there just isn't enough of it in a day. i can hardly get all of the things done that I wanna do, I'm having to prioritize way too much in a single day. the most difficult things to include in the day seem to be resting, eating, and hydrating honestly which is so bad. I have to become better about taking care of myself.

tomorrow's schedule: internship for a bit, class with a test possibly - I would know if I hadn't skipped the last class, then possibly my internship again and/or tennis with a lesson including. I definitely want the lesson to happen of course as I both care for my student's progress and it's just nice to get paid lol

I just found out today some very relieving news, hopefully it's accurate, more details to come. basically and long story short my situation might not be as bad as I claim it to be or have been claiming. I hopefully will come out of this useless time spent in college OKAY. that's all I want, is to survive it, financially and physically lol. i'm really hopeful that I'll find work after school and with the addition of profits from my business will be able to reach my goals in life.

I'm just very happy, very very happy. I'm hoping to spend more time with friends and family soon, I'm really hoping I'll find that one special friend very soon as I'm always looking :P

anyways guys, I have 3 tests in the next couple days and they're just gonna be long days either way so I'm gonna end the post here. I will hopefully have another video on my YouTube channel for you guys by tonight, if I don't fall asleep. I was up at 5am this morning 😖

but we continue to move forwards
thanks for reading


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