another great day


I really do enjoy spending time with friends, people in general. I love meeting new people and growing, I always want to be growing.

I am somehow friends with Daryl Monfils, many of you won't understand this but to me, oh my god lol. Daryl Monfils is the brother of Gael Monfils and if you don't know who that is, Google him.

I'm hoping to go ahead an finish yet another upload for the channel by tonight along with studying for my Nutrition class, which I really have to start giving more priority to. all in one day - wake up late, edit and finish a YouTube video, played some tennis, hung out with my boy Mahir and his awesome car.
Tomorrow's gonna be a messy day. hopefully I can have a repeat of today but if I do, I'll be more productive. today I wasted too much time honestly. I spent a good 4-6 hours editing my video, I really hope you guys like it.

I now have about 30 emails or so which I mentioned yesterday I think, now I think I'm ready to speak with my people. I really want to ensure that people like my vision and that I set myself up to be able to do everything I can to provide the best value possible to my people. Those who support me I want to support.

I believe that through affiliate marketing, donations, free content such as my YouTube videos/the blog posts themselves/and other free products, and even some ads and sponsored content/guest posts I can provide value to my people while monetizing my platforms to be able to sustain a living while not directly charging them. To be exact, I don't have to have a course or service for example where they would feel as if they "have to pay for something" under my business. I don't want to hit people with some "buy now" upon partnering with me. I really want to provide value.
I believe that with the platforms mentioned above I would not be directly asking people for their money which as we all know, no one likes. The reason why people use words like "scam" is that they feel as if they're being ripped off. They "pay" for something, and don't receive the value that they feel as if they were guaranteed. I never want to be that guy doing that. I'd give my products away if I ever got to that point as any good business would do.
But I believe that providing true value and getting real results from my people I would then gain the reputation, support, and trust to then offer courses, consultation services, and beyond. Maybe even my own products, maybe even do live events/speakings, and just bigger and better things. That is my goal.

Thanks for reading guys, always remember, do more for others than you do for yourself.


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