10:02pm on 2/10 of 2018


I sometimes think about what do I want to be known for, what do I wanna stand for, what do I wanna be remembered for. As a dude I can honestly say that I'm more sensitive than some and that I actually care about people. I'll gladly do more for others than I would for myself, especially family, or friends, or kids, or those that just need some help. Today I got to be around a bunch of kids, not that much younger than myself, but kids nonetheless. It just reminds me when I look at them, when I think about the lives that they get to live that we, the older ones are the people who determine the kinds of options that they have.

Kids nowadays grow up with technology. People in general nowadays are more antisocial, more egotistical and self confident, life is just tough now. Things just aren't as they used to be.

And that's why as part of my business, as part of my brand I take so seriously the way we interact with people and the need to just help one another. We as people cannot survive without one another, literally. So why not come together and love one another. So why not work together to ensure that everyone enjoys this life.

Obviously I've entered a rather specific niche/industry with my business but nonetheless I aspire and will help people. I will work as a social worker - entrepreneur working towards the goal is making the lives of as many people as I can better. I agree with Hollywood Celebrity and motivator Tyrese Gibson that we have a responsibility to peace. We owe it to ourselves and to each other to give our best and to go out each and every day doing whatever we can to make the world a better place for everyone.

what point is there in going to college if all jobs/industries/governments agreed that college degrees were useless?
what point is there in buying certain cars/clothes/toys if everyone agreed that this stuff was stupid and/or not cool?

we decide what we have in this life.

I will show that anyone and everyone has the opportunity to live their lives on their own terms. I will work as an entrepreneur to create/bring out the entrepreneur spirit within people. And by entrepreneur I'm referring to someone who works to bring about change within the world. I want to show people that you can generate money doing whatever it is that you enjoy or want to do. I can't wait to make it.

Thanks for reading.


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