Working harder to work smarter

Day 32.

I'm doing everything I can guys. I'm committed to making these changes and giving a little everyday until we've reached success. And even then I certainly won't give up. The grind never stops.

Today I "got so much done" and feel great about how I'm living my life. Despite all the negative thoughts and things I wish I had done I chose not to go to work today despite needing the money to work on myself which is more important to me right now. However I do really need to make some money soon lol. I cleaned my room in a manner in which I've never done before, life skills, and I even am in the process of fixing this darn phone. Idk about you guys but I think that as technology gets smarter/better it really doesn't get too much "better." I still have to buy a new phone every few years and somehow some way we continue to innovate and find something new for the iPhone every year.

Anyways, tomorrow is a new day. I tried filming the last part for a new video but I can honestly say right now that I don't like it haha. I'm trying to go with the rule of thumb given by big YouTubers where you basically shouldn't try to make everything perfect. But I've decided to re-film that part tomorrow and will upload that video tomorrow. I am so excited to get this video uploaded as it's a topic/video I've been working on since even before the long awaited upload I've been mentioning in the posts from the past several days. So, tomorrow will be this video that I'm still filming for and by Wednesday or even sooner I'll upload the other video which is already completed :)

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Alright guys I'm gonna stop the post here and transition over to catching up with Google+ stuff. Sadly at the moment with this iPhone update installing on my computer everything is moving slowly and barely loading so I'm limited here with what I can do. But this will not stop me, I'm watching business videos on my phone and I'm gonna go to "work" on Google + so I'll see you guys there.

Thanks for reading.


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