Throwback to today, today's a new day. 11/9/17

Day 30.

Yayy no headache today but today has to have some more significance. Here we are 30 days in and I gotta be honest with both you guys and myself, nothing has changed. It doesn't feel like it at least and I started this journey here with the intent to make change. I need this change in life to become the guy I claim and want to be. How can I expect to be an influencer and have any significance behind what I say if I'm not taking the actions myself. And here we are 30 days in and the me that I know that I can become and want to be is not here yet. But I'm working on it. This blog has certainly provided benefit for me at least to track my journey and I now want to focus on that one word "change." I'm not just doing this to do it I want to make change. All the stuff I map out and set to achieve is going to happen. I will get achieve success, I will take the risks and make the sacrifices to provide benefit to others, I will get out of this slump. I will.

No more making excuses. Everyone could use more money, everyone has problems, there's always gonna be "what ifs," nothing is gonna be perfect. Today is the day that I choose to no longer allow this negativity to hold me down. As you guys will know (my regular readers) I was supposed to be on the tennis court again tonight but I chose to come home and do my homework instead. I normally would consider others before considering myself where even in this case I was only going to the court to help someone else, although irrelevant, this was unpaid help at that. I have homework to do, I have a blog to attend to, I have more to learn, I don't have time to waste. Not that helping my friend would be a waste rather I have to focus more on me. I'm tired already, it's been a long day for more reasons than 1. No longer will I complain about lengthy days as even today I wasted more than half of the day.

No more. Major changes are coming soon, starting tomorrow. Changes my regular readers will not be surprised by as I've mentioned everything I have planned here on this blog. If you're new or even if you've been here for that matter, make sure you go back to the home page of this blog and checkout some of my older posts. I'm gonna try to provide more value to you guys here on this blog rather than just reflection, and anytime I come up with something or if I find something handy I'll provide some resources.

Today is not over, tomorrow is a new day. We all have 24 hours and best believe that after concluding this post here I'm gonna get back to work. I hope you will too.

Thanks for reading, keep moving forwards.

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