There's always hope.

Day 38.

There will always be good people in the world. No matter how tough things may be or how bad things may get always remember that tomorrow is a new day. Always remember that although things could also be worse, they truly can always be better. And things will become better if you know that they will.

It's days like today that bring some hope back for me. Some belief in the fact that even if I don't make millions as I aspire to, or even if I don't become who I set out to be, life is still great. We must not ask for too much in life nor should be ungrateful for what we do have. It's okay to set goals and to have aspirations but to still be here alive and healthy is truly a blessing. Nothing in life is guaranteed. Everything in life happens for a reason, if you believe so. And our choices everyday, down to the small choice to smile when you see people, can go a long ways towards the kind of day you'll have or the kinds of things that will happen for you or even the kinds of things that will happen because of you.

Just on a side note, I've successfully completed another video for my YouTube channel which I'll leave a link to below. I have 2 other videos set to be completed hopefully soon and a ton more ideas to be brought to life and filmed. So many projects awaiting their turn to be drawn out and introduced including car stuff, motivational talks, educational topics, and business stuff all while hopefully providing entertaining content.

Click here to see my latest video

I actually met a confirmed supporter of Donald Trump today, surprisingly my first. I won't speak much on politics on any of my social media neither from me in my personal brand nor my brand Keep It Simple. However, I found this to be quite intriguing to say the least. As I've mentioned before, this internship has predominantly been used for me to meet people, simply members of the facility. The conversion that we were able to have (this guy and I) would never had revealed where our political affiliations lied until he mentioned his support for the president. No matter which side you stand on we both agreed that times are tough right now, people are suffering, good people. After sharing my story (and of course my YouTube channel lol) with him as I do with anyone I meet there he provided so much encouragement and motivation to keep doing what I'm trying to do which always helps to get through my day. If it weren't for people like him, I certainly don't know how I'd survive this internship.

Another interesting discovery, a good woman, or at least what I would describe from my brief introduction to her. Although I could not describe myself as a religious person I am fond of people who share the similar good beliefs in life as me where I personally go on to believe that all people are good and have good intentions. I do not judge, rather I allow people to show me their personality, more recently I require proof but I still like to believe that everyone makes the right choices. Anyways, this lady (sadly she was a bit older) was so interesting, and if only lol, if only she were a bit younger. I'd basically describe her as an innately good and smart woman, with good intentions in life. She lives for her daughter and does not ask too much out of life although I'm sure she would've been a bit more hard working if she did not have this daughter. I myself really like people like this, I would be more than willing to let my wife stay at home and only work part time while watching over our daughter. I would be beyond happy to know that she's financially cautious and proactive when it comes to investing and spending money.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find this girl in life I'm looking for lol, but I have hope. All we can do is keep moving forwards, something I've said to most of these people I've interacted with.

I appreciate all the support you guys give, lets keep moving forwards and always remember why you started.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Derrick , I just read this many times, but I am totally agree with you. What is a religion .....we all coming from ONE Source. I Think if there are NO religions, people are more at peace and don't have to fight or making war with each-other. It's all about the '' Ego " .. there was a Christian man and he doesn't want me because...) You understand it. I always choise for my own believes.
    You are the best for me , it's again very late here. I admire you and I thank you very much for your friendship. And my sweet friend, have some more patience with your future you are so young. The right girl is waiting for you. Just go with the Flow, we have no other choise in life. Our intuition is our compass for the rest of your Life. Have a nice weekend ) Your friend : Liana

    1. I'm really glad you liked this one Liana, I'm trying to add more value and resources in these posts as I can provide so much more than just a reflection of my day. I couldn't have said it any better, we have to make our own choices based on our own beliefs as we all are different. I am so glad to have you as a friend and really appreciate the support and love you share with me. I absolutely agree I simply at times become impatient but I will of course remain patient and continue to grow myself as I become older. I really like that statement you made there, our intuition is absolutely our compass for life! I hope that you have an even better weekend :)


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