no voice on a thursday


I'm actually starting the blog early for once. I don't think I've really mentioned my class schedule much on here besides my free days during the week but normally I'd be in class right now on Thursdays. Thankfully my friend agreed to just send me the slides as I took today off because I've lost my voice, my sickness is still here sadly. Thankfully I didn't have to play tennis this morning, it's been a rough day with no ability to speak. I've been working on that original video I told you guys about recently and am hoping to be able to upload it tomorrow. I won't be playing tennis and I'm going to try my best to not add any other plans to my schedule. All I have is an 8am class which hopefully I'll have my voice for. I now see more than ever that I really want to pursue my YouTube channel to the best of my ability.

Besides that, I'm now gonna study a little for my psychology exam tomorrow. I'm going to prepare for the lab in the morning. And most importantly I'm gonna do some more studying on affiliate marketing and product sales through Amazon FBA and Shopify.

I would love to be profiting from affiliate marketing by January 2018 and hopefully be ready to start a product for Amazon FBA or Shopify by then also. I'm making so many connects that I plan to invest time in, I'm building up such an awesome community here for my online presence, and I'm learning so much. We keep moving forwards, we have to.

I hope you guys will stick with me as I'm building something here that I believe with be life changing both for me and you. I want to thank all of you for reading these posts, for watching my videos, and for just doing what you do.

Thanks so much, see you guys tomorrow.


  1. Dear Derrick,
    Thank you so much, I knew you for a very short time and you are doing it just fine. I stick with you always as long as possible. You are just a good honest young man, working very hard. My compliments. Take enough time for yourself and stay safe. I am always happy to write to you here.
    I am sure you are gonna make it step by step. And I learning from you too. Have a nice weekend dear friend and lol lol. I always laughing when you write that in your postings..ha ha uhhh ) lol


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