less than 2 weeks to go


Another good Monday, I really enjoy these "days off" where I basically don't have any classes. It allows me to get so much done. If you read these posts and you're not subscribed to my YouTube channel for whatever reason I did upload a new video today and am expecting to have the next upload ready for either Wednesday or Thursday. I also managed to get a racket strung, 1 more to go then I'll restring my 2 rackets, makin a little pocket change.

Ugh I am so ready to get past tomorrow, specifically my 8am internship class. I'm expected to present tomorrow and I just don't feel like it honestly. I'm thinking about doing what my friend said she did, just show up sign in for the class then leave.

Alright this is gonna be a short post sadly, I've got quite a few other things I wanna get done tonight and it's already 10pm. Although I'm normally up late anyways tonight I wanna at least try to get some sleep especially considering I'm still a bit sick. Man if there's no assignment due in my lab on Friday then I believe this will be quite an easy week with next week being my LAST WEEK OF CLASSES. Thank God. Somehow though our break before the next semester is only 5 weeks :/

Oh yeah I just remembered I have a bunch of stuff I wanna get done, I may be able to change this internship around for next semester so I definitely wanna look over that tonight. Anyways guys thanks for staying tuned, keep working hard, and keep moving forwards.

See you tomorrow.

My new video

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