Just get it done, even if you don't feel like it.

Day 35.

Lesson for today, while you're on your journey, sometimes you're gonna have to fight. The battles you incur along this journey are what will prepare you for the end result and how you handle these battles will determine your character. They'll also test your will, do you really want it? If it were easy then everyone would be doing it. Sometimes you're gonna have to do things that you don't wanna, you'll have to work with people you may not "like," and you'll want to quit. But the only thing that determines how you react to these negative occurrences is YOU.

Today I finally got back to my boring old internship. I was there last week but I had settled on doing shifts only 2 hours at a time periodically simply because the internship is super boring. But today I managed to do 5 hours :) so proud of myself, gonna do 2 more tomorrow maybe, then 4 on Thursday, followed by another 4 on Friday. And for those that don't know, no, I am not being paid for this internship. As a broke senior in college, I'm required to do a 100 hour internship this semester, roughly 25 hours remaining after today, and a 240 hour internship next semester. I'll thankfully and hopefully be graduating next semester, assuming I pass this annoying Bio-mechanics class I'm currently in. Because I procrastinate not only am I registering late and therefore forced to pay for this semester out of pocket, roughly $6,000, I also am stuck at my current boring internship location for next semester. But I'm almost done, I'll be the first in the family to graduate college.

For those that really need motivation, and my blogs don't do enough for you. Today I won't even promote my own stuff, because I do really want to see you all do well also. I'm making progress, we're here for day 35, I'm rolling. I'm feeling happy, finishing school, feeling confident about business and my YouTube channel, and I even made a girl smile today while out getting dinner lol. I didn't get the number though sadly, darnit!!

But, in the link below you'll find a video that could change your day and maybe your perspective on life, at least for the moment. This video is about Blake Leeper, the man born without legs who ended up becoming one of the fastest men in the world. If you're sad, depressed, and feeling unmotivated and can't seem to spare 20 minutes to watch this extremely moving and very motivating video, then hopefully my words will help.

Change your day today, with this video

Life is a journey that we all shape for ourselves. Every thought we have and choice we make is the only thing that differentiates us and yet somehow we remain equal and so similar. We as people are similar. All men fall, only the great ones get back up. And things, life, can always get worse trust me. But they can also always get better. If you remember one thing in your day you must remember that you too no matter what, have had good memories or things to be thankful for, so imagine the people that would die to have those things that you don't think are that important.

Thanks for reading guys, see you tomorrow.


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