I love people

Day 39.

T'was the night before the start of an interesting week. I really really enjoy these Saturdays where I get to start the day with Lamborghini's, Ferrari's, Porsche's, and GT-R's. My friends and family may never end up reading these posts but I truly appreciate and am happy to see so many people coming out to our meet-up. I am beyond happy to see people of different backgrounds, ages, occupations and many other distinct categories all coming together to share and discuss which at least for me provides motivation to keep chasing my goals. You'd be surprised to see how humble the owner of a $500,000 car could be. Our little show here in RVA will feature cars from 1960's rare Mustangs to something I've just now seen today for the first time ever, a Mclaren 650s.

And... what made this Saturday even more special was my initiative to speak and actually attempt to meet people lol. You would be surprised but honestly I'm not sure if I'm different/weird for talking to "strangers" but my friend and many other people I've surrounded myself with in life do not speak when encountering people. When I'm out alone doing my own thing, I'd speak to anyone and everyone I walked past or met eyes with simply because I love meeting people. Idk, maybe I'm weird. But today while admiring the new Mclaren I was able to make a new friend and most importantly, gain a new Subscriber! (always plug the channel lol).

This new friend, my friend I was already with, and I all then drove off to another car lot which sadly disrupted the good vibes of the day as it was closed. But the good thing is, we made a new friend whom we plan to not only share our car interests with at meets etc, we also hope to film videos together and just do friend stuff lol. I love people! Such a random/awkward moment for me in life as I'm still learning about cars but here I am making car friends. I honestly now plan to quickly try to make some friends (hopefully a girl or two) while on campus this week. Sometimes it's not even about confidence I think, we as people are innately social so why be on our phones all day when we can just talk. So I'll let you guys know how it goes!

Anyways this week for us at VCU will be short with the upcoming holidays. I only have one class on Tuesday at 11am this week :/ Trying to make friends is kind of the only motivation and reason I currently have for going to this class. Long story short on the long week... with the holidays coming in tons of family will be here which is always fun but challenging. I also have to complete 10 hours at my internship in this week which I plan to have done before Thursday.

Okay so on to the business stuff for a bit. Today/tonight's gonna be a day for business. I have products pending and videos to be edited. Regarding my YouTube channel I plan to get back into advertising for a while. I really want to reach 100 subscribers by December and once I've gotten there I want to be able to show others a quick way of doing so, by using YouTube ads. Of course I don't personally recommend going with paid traffic initially because free traffic is, well, free. But I want to get there quickly and I've saved enough from my business to then be able to reinvest back into the business. I plan to show you guys exactly how this process went for me once I've hit 100 subscribers so if you wanna support me be sure to subscribe to the channel and share it with your friends and family lol.

My Channel

I'm also hoping to open a little temporary store which I recommend for anyone that's pursuing a branded business. Merchandise is always nice, I myself love my branded merch. I'll have my own T-shirts and hoodies available with custom designs fit for my subscribers and anyone who wants to support me basically. Something I'm considering doing that I would also recommend is just giving away merchandise, especially to anyone that really supports what you're doing and would actually wear/use your stuff in public. You're free support is always the best support. You guys supporting me here would never be charged for any of my merchandise as I value your support too much and would absolutely rather reward you guys for constantly reading this stuff and actually caring about me.

By the way, if you want to keep up with me more frequently here is more of my social media, I plan to have a twitter and maybe another social media platform soon. If you follow or support me through any of this stuff, including my YouTube channel, always be sure to let me know who you are as I'll never forget my supporters.

My car instagram account
My personal instagram account
My personal website
My branded website
My store (currently under construction but it's active)

Anyways guys, if there's anything I can actually provide as advice, just remember things can always be worse. Why complain and worry about the bad, there's always bad. If you only recognize and visualize the bad, you'll only see bad. Make the choice today to move forwards and don't look back. Be proud of who you are and just remember to keep moving forwards.

Thanks for reading, see you guys tomorrow.


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