"I don't have time for that"

Day 37.

I am slowly losing my patience again. I'm tired of wasting time on things that simply "don't matter." We were told that we would have lecture in our evening class after completing our exams which is reasonable considering the class is 3 hours long. Man not even before flipping to the last page of the test I just wanted to walk out.

Once I've made it big I really just want to ask, what's the purpose behind this stuff? Teachers complain about how little they make, I honestly say they're making too much, at times. Why test your students when they can honestly tell you that they're not prepared? Are we trying to prove something by doing this? I simply don't understand how we allow these "teachers" to continue "teaching" when their success rates for their students is less than that of job employment rates.

There certainly should be no collegiate system where everyone gets a medal/degree simply for going to college but I believe that we as people, with such an influence on one another, have a responsibility to each other.

I actually want to see my students succeed. I currently teach tennis and pretty soon I'll teach people how to make enough money to live their dream lifestyles and not once will I put myself before my students. Just because I'll still have my own life to live with more goals to achieve and things to do I'll never use that as an influence on my standards for my students. Especially not for standards of testing.

And with all that said, these "teachers" we have out here, not all, but some, have no empathy. Obviously you say that all don't care but a few bad truly makes the entire industry bad man, trust me. You now have here in 2017 many millionaires and billionaires, some of the worlds' leading influencers saying that college simply isn't worth it man.

You may not want to hear it and you may not agree with it but I stand here as a 5th year senior to provide a story, a detailed example through my media showing you just how I'll actually go out to live the life that I want. And no, my college degree will have no impact on it. Even if I was in a major/degree program that I actually liked it still would only have influence on just maybe my first job/opportunity I'll take after graduating.

I'm losing my patience with these people that simply don't care about me and what I want for my life. Roughly $60,000 in debt is the only significant influence college has brought to me.

Always remember that you have a choice.

See you tomorrow.


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