how valuable is time anyways?


Sorry guys but today is gonna be another short post but I'm hoping you guys are watching the videos on my YouTube channel as I'm putting a lot more energy there. I actually recorded yet another video today :)

But I'm working hard to bring more motivational and business related stuff to both the YouTube channel and this blog. I also will provide resources and as much knowledge as I can.

I definitely need to spend more time on the serious stuff. Serious stuff meaning my actual business and my occupational status. Basically I'm broke lol. I thankfully have found a few jobs I wouldn't mind having which I'm gonna apply for. Despite hating it I'm gonna keep my current internship site for next semester and with that being said I think I'll be able to manage it.

ehh maybe not, I'm actually now looking for a new internship location now that I've actually thought about it lol. But next semester, next year will be so different. I'll be in my last semester so life for sure will be changing. My parents are so excited for my graduation, me on the other hand, I'm just excited to have my life back. Looking back, I would've rather had spent those 4/5 years in the military honestly.

Alright guys so a little reflection. As per the title, today I was supposed to present my "final project" in my internship class at 8am. My new friend, the girl I mentioned a few days back that I met at my internship, told me that when she was in the internship class I'm currently in, she simply signed in for the day (attendance) as normal, then immediately left. I should've followed her advice and done the same thing. I am no stranger to skipping classes and I had a gut feeling that this presentation bs was going to go as it did.

So I was up late last night as you'll know if you read yesterday's post, till nearly 4am guys. The class I was to present in starts at 8am. I considered e-mailing the professor to call in sick, which I truly am sick, but I didn't. Instead I woke up at 7am and got to class on time. I pumped myself up with loud music, I paid for a toll because I like to drive fast (oh yeah wasting gas here too), I paid for parking and made it to class with about 5 minutes to spare. Everything was going so well I even considered making a little video for you guys on how I struggle but get things done.

After walking in the class I noticed that the desks were in a circle as my friend described so I went over to sit with my homies. Upon sitting one of my bros mentions that he feels like leaving and my main friend of the group mentions that he was surprised to see me in the class as I had not shown up for a while lol. Okay so long story short, the professor mentions that it's especially important for those presenting today (those with last names starting with A-H) to have signed in to get their participation points. This was the moment, where I f'ed up, where I should have left. I even said to my friends what my friend who I met last weekend told me and we joked about leaving, but we stayed. The guy sitting beside me practiced his presentation, which was awesome btw, on us as everyone else chatted about their projects and the professor walked around.

Knowing me, I got bored man. The guy beside me had a very good presentation, and considering what happened I feel bad for him honestly but I left after about 20 minutes into the class starting. I went back to my car which had time paid for in the parking meter and drove out of campus to get some coffee. Before leaving I told my homie, the main friend, that I'd come back and pick him up as I always give him a ride from this building our class is in to his next class. This was where I was informed of the Gold.

My homie told me that not only did he leave early with disappointment, no one in the class presented. At least not to the entire class. So essentially all you had to do was walk in, sign your name on a piece of f'ing paper, then leave and you'd get an A+++++ for the day lol. And if you can imagine my frustration with all the money, energy, and time I spent going to campus for this don't worry, I vlogged it. That video will be dropping this week so stay tuned lol.

So for all of those including that guy with the good presentation on Cryotherapy or something like that whom was sitting beside me, we received the same grade on our "presentation" for our final project although he stayed up all night working on it and I planned to simply wing it. :)

That's college for ya. And yeah just for me to remember, my "best friend" urged me to go to this presentation. I had no plans of even going, for 5 points?

Anyways guys I hope that story was at least some what interesting, I surely enjoyed going back over it in my head while writing it. If you enjoyed it please do me the favor of sharing it with your friends. Stay tuned more good stuff is happening daily here, more videos are coming for my YouTube channel so go subscribe and share that also, and most importantly guys, keep moving forwards.

My YouTube Channel


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