
Day 27.

Life is tough when you commit yourself to things you don't enjoy or people you don't like trust me. The way that life should be is you don't do anything you don't want to do but life is full of choices. We all make choices based on our values and morals which most often are influenced by those we grow up around. I can say from experience with this internship man, that when you have to do things that you don't want to do it can make everyday of a life a living hell. No wonder people are so crazy, tensions are high, and societies is struggling. I don't understand why people don't want to help others. I don't. This stupid internship has gone completely opposite to how I was initially expecting despite the fact that I not only gave a full speech to my supervisor on how much I didn't/don't even want to do it, but these people/this company I'm working with is family.

People are lazy, people don't care, people are selfish, people are just not working to make things better or to be better.

And of course this is just my late afternoon venting, not a general factual statement, but I'm sure some of you guys can relate. Not everyone is like this though, trust me. Different problems occur for different people in different places. We all face the same challenges but truly some people like myself never have to deal with acts of racism and could easily be ignorant to the fact that racism still exist while in some areas right here in our own country (USA) people deal with it everyday.

Well that's enough on my internship, but I do have to go in at 5am to get 2 more hours in. At this point in the semester I'm definitely gonna fluff some of the hours, I honestly wouldn't do this job for the little money they pay.

Anyways, I'm not sure if you guys noticed but there is indeed a new video on my YouTube channel. Unfortunately it's nothing that I've been working on, if you go check it out you'll see what I mean, I'll leave a link below. The video I mentioned yesterday is still sitting in the editing software, it is now 8:45pm which gives me a few hours before I'll need to rest so I'm gonna try to hopefully finish this video. Next I'll work on the other 2 projects that are sitting in the editing software and then I'll begin filming again for my book of ideas lol. (It's a literal book I made with all my business stuff, there's an entire section for my YouTube channel with pages of ideas for videos that are coming soon!) I'll show you guys the book soon on my channel along with other cool stuff that I use to keep organized so be sure to Subscribe to the channel and share it with friends & family. I'd really really really appreciate it.

Click here to open my YouTube channel

Okay back to the serious stuff, haven't mentioned any of this all week so if you've been reading my posts you'll definitely want to check out what I'm about to mention below and if you're new here everything below is what defines my personal brand and will empower my brand Keep It Simple :)

First things first I have to mention the support we've been getting here. I just want to say thank you so much to all my followers on Google+ and any of you not from Google+ that come to my blog. The support you guys have given is incredible and certainly I feel more than motivated to keep going because of you guys and I will. I promise you when I say that I'm more than devoted to this, I'm working my best to have more time for this, and we're only going up from here. I haven't had as much time as I'd like to spend here on my blog, on my YouTube channel, or on my business due to school and work but I plan to spend more time this week catching up. I've seen all of your comments trust me, your comments motivate me to keep pushing forwards and that what we're gonna keep doing here. I will reply to everyone and catch up with all of you before the end of the week.

Affiliate Marketing
I love affiliate marketing. If you don't know what it is please go google it now if you're interested in working online from home you won't be sorry, trust me! 1 of those 2 videos sitting in my editing software is actually about affiliate marketing, I'm hoping to have my full review and suggestions with affil marketing up soon. If you guys don't know what it is or want me to give you my suggestions on how to have success with it please leave me some comments and I'll put a rush in on that video for you lol.

I've been trying and trying with different methods of acquiring traffic for marketing for months now and I believe that I've found a profitable way to do so which of course involves one particular avenue of social media. For those of you that have already provided suggestions to me, if you're reading this, I did notice your suggestions and I greatly appreciate them, sadly I have not had time to try them. Because of this, when I finally have some free time I will run with all ideas for doing affiliate marketing as I really want to just find what works asap.

Back to the video uploaded today, if you've checked it out by now, you'll now see that I've found a new fun avenue on YouTube. Let me know what you guys think but I'm considering almost a daily upload where I maybe provide reflection in addition to the blog or maybe I'll provide some other useful resources for you guys, instruction for example. Long story short, I'll hopefully have my new external hard drive by next month and with this new discovery from today, my YouTube is about to take off, upload wise atleast. I would heavily appreciate any shout outs, promotions, or you guys simply sharing my channel and/or videos. I definitely would consider paid promotions however I'm already doing occasional YouTube ads, my goal is to atleast surpass the 10,000 view count minimum before 2018 and it would be nice to reach 70 subscribers or so before then also. Trust me when I say that out of the business routes/platforms that I'm using, I am not creating videos on YouTube solely for the monetary purposes however I think it could be kind of cool lol. I certainly am trying to provide motivation and inspiration both for you guys my viewers/readers as well as those in my own community to show them that there's another way.

Not much to say here because I've kind of given this avenue of business over to my business partner. He is much more passionate and motivated to open a Shopify store for example and to begin enlisting products on Amazon that we'll have fulfilled by them. I too am super pumped to do this however I currently am much more excited to do Affiliate marketing. I believe that I'll one day be a full time Affiliate marketer, god that would be awesome lol. However, I did have the idea of doing arbitrage from home while I'm still here in college with little expenses to get some experience of selling before tacking the beast that is (seems to be) Amazon FBA. I thought of simply buying a bunch of products from Walmart for example while storing them at home and then selling them on Amazon. This could then transition to me having Amazon fulfill these orders, assuming I'd see sales which would then translate to use purchasing products in bulk from oversees foreign manufacturers.

BTW check out this insane article, I found it the other day. Apparently this dude took my idea, I'm already aware that this kind of stuff has been around for years but darn I really want to be in this guy's position.

Don't worry the article is safe lol

Other business stuff
I'm working to reverse this negative chart I'm seeing =/ You guys will know exactly what I mean once I upload this video I have here sitting in the editing software. Basically my expenses are exceeding my profits right now, or they did for October at least, not good news. Remember guys if you need to hear it, always try to save a little, it certainly will come in handy later. But I always save which honestly if you haven't noticed with everything else I've mentioned, saving is great but INVESTING is the key to building wealth. Your assets will compromise your wealth.

Anyways there's a bunch more, hopefully you guys enjoyed this longer post. I'm gonna try to make them all as informative and helpful for you guys. I didn't really provide much helpful info here but hopefully this still helps. These posts, my videos, my businesses now have my full time commitment, you guys have my full time commitment. I really hope you guys enjoy this stuff and will share it with others so we can continue to grow here. I also hope that you guys are doing well and working towards your goals. If you made it this far in this 20 page magical book, in addition to what you were already gonna comment lol, type the words "20 page magical book" in your comment.

Thank you guys for reading, keep pushing forwards.
See you guys tomorrow for Election Day here in the States.


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