Awkward Days

Day 31.

I'm still working, so much work to do. It's no wonder I'm not in a relationship right now and to be honest no wonder I don't have many people in my social group either.

The day started with more fun in my 8 am lab where I just so happened to leave my notebook in the classroom. This is pretty normal of course, we all can forget things. But in my case I drove all the way back after leaving campus only to chicken out of going back into the room to get my notebook. There was a class in session and I didn't want to be disruptive as my notebook was towards the front of the room. So yes, I left my notebook there in a room where I could've easily have retrieved it but my introverted personality got in the way. I tend to prove the "nice guys finish last" theory.

The second awkward piece of the day involves yes, you guessed it (if you've read any of my previous posts), my internship. I didn't manage to finish my lab report last night despite staying up until nearly 2 am working on it and after leaving my 8 am lab this morning I rushed home in an effort to quickly finish it. I already knew that I'd be expected at my internship today but not only did I text my supervisor about not coming in from 5 am to 7 am as we initially agreed, I also went to the center early to make sure she wouldn't be there as she hadn't been there all week when I've been there. This is where all things go wrong. I get to the center and there she is waiting for me to walk in so that she could seemingly leave out for the day lol, as of course. She's never there and quite frankly she's horrible with communication. I text her saying I can't come in because I have school work to do and to no surprise at this point she will end up not replying. Long story short, the awkward part involves me telling her that I came in only to ensure that I was not actually needed as I needed to complete a school assignment. Not only did she mark me in their "work scheduling book," which I have almost never been recorded in because I'm an unpaid intern, she also reminded me of how I have many more hours to complete for the internship lol.
   Honestly some people just have no heart, they only care for themselves. If you can't even realize how your actions and choices impact others, and then have no ability to empathize with others then best of luck. I've said it before and I'll say it again, people just don't care. People like this I only can feel sorry for and try my best to show them that there's another way which there is.

Anyways guys, I say that stuff for me especially to reflect so that years from now I can look back on these moments. I also say this stuff to say that I'm still working on me and I hope that you guys are also working on yourselves. I hope that by hearing my story you can avoid the mistakes that I make. As I mentioned a while back and even in yesterday's post, no more. Obviously change occurs over time, true change. But no longer will I allow my introversion and kind spirit to allow people like this to make me feel bad for the choices that I make. I'm 67, basically 70 hours into my internship, I only need 100 hours... by December 6th or something like that lol. 10 hours a week over the next 3 weeks and I'm done, simple. C'mon my dude if you're reading this I certainly hope that you can see where I'm coming from. My own supervisor, of a place I chose because I've been a member there for maybe 10 years now chose today to make me feel bad for not staying at my internship to work only 2 hours today while taking time away from my school work. And while she may have her own opinions and perspective on this, especially considering I've fluffed a few hours lol, she is not a supporter of mine. She's no fan of mine. So why should I be a fan of hers? Why should I help her with anything?

Obviously I don't teach this perspective. I love everybody no matter the decisions you choose to make. We all have to make choices and not everyone is gonna make the same choices. We all shouldn't make the same choices. But what I will say is that you have to realize who is a supporter and who is not. "They don't want to see us win." I think that's the name or chorus for song I just can't remember which. I said this in a video on my YouTube channel and I will continue to bring into discussion topics like this that I feel are important. People can motivate you, people can provide inspiration for you, and people can also crush your dreams man. 1 man's choice can completely ruin your day, so we avoid these people.

People in general are awesome. There's literally so many people on this planet that if you're not around people that support you right now you could in most cases really just walk down the road and find someone who will respect what you have to say.
No longer will I allow people to make me feel bad for my choices or rush me along or have any impact on my choices that I don't want.

It's Friday! Some people are out partying, some people are sleeping, and then you've got me, writing this blog for you guys. I'm loving and really enjoying writing these posts but as I mentioned yesterday I certainly wanna mix things up. I want to provide more value here, otherwise the blog will stay the same. We won't grow unless we continue to innovate and change things. I too would definitely agree any support you guys give whether you want to share this blog or promote what I'm doing but I won't ask you for any of that. I simply appreciate you guys that read this stuff. Anyways I too have a bunch of work to do, a bunch.

Affiliate marketing
Content Creation
Graphic Design

And a whole lot more.

Thanks for reading guys, keep moving forwards.
Enjoy your Friday night.

See you tomorrow.

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