Warming up to it

Day 7.
It's getting cold here in RVA. Goodness this weather here is crazy, 85 degrees on Sunday and now 60 degrees on Tuesday as the high. Having to get up for that internship at 4 am was certainly not easy. I wanted so bad to film a bit, I even have some ideas for a video or two that involve me waking up that early for my internship. As my supervisor said in her evaluation of my performance, I need to be more proactive. Obviously I don't care about being more proactive in terms of helping the facility so I take that feedback and will begin taking more initiative on bettering myself when I can while in situations such as this internship where I don't want to be. To make the best of it. Days like today though I am able to reflect so much more. The only good part of my internship, getting to meet new people, has provided so much for me which matters more today than it ever has before. I've always valued the potential that meeting new people has to offer but when meeting people like those I've met today I feel a bit better about myself. Today I met a couple whose daughter is in a similar situation where she graduated in exercise science and is now working as a Doctor, but is bored with her job. She wants to transition to the administrative side, to avoid working with the patients.

If you can relate, leave me some comments down below. Share this blog. Share my name. Share my YouTube channel.

As Tyrese Gibson said in a motivational video on Facebook, "God put people in your life for a reason, others are there for a season."

Thanks for reading guys, I finally finished that video for my channel so expect to see that tomorrow at noon. If you check it out be sure to leave me some comments. See you guys tomorrow.

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