The transition

Day 16.

I don't know if we're truly getting better or worse as a society. With all else considered, are we really becoming more united here in the states? Are we really becoming great again? Here we are in 2017 and can you really say that the average quality of life is better than it was in the 70's? The 80's? Although the major influencers are saying that social media and screens are harming us as people are we really making strides towards correcting this?
Or is everything just alright. Is this just the way it is, and with only more advancements in science and technology will this life become the normal?

I am so glad to say that I've survived another ridiculous exam. I once again survived that 3 hour class, life goes on. But I'm so tired. Anyways I'm gonna get this post done, I'm gonna continue studying for tomorrow, and keep moving forward.

Keep It Simple will serve as an educational based business where I hope to motivate, inspire, and educate people to pursue there dreams. You can have anything you want in life if you work hard for it. Whatever it is that you do every since day, go to class or go to work for example, imagine transitioning that time and energy to something you actually cared about. Through Keep It Simple I plan to give my best efforts to helping people to break this system that we live in here in America and anywhere else that's similar for that matter.

Even in my life I have not make choices that relate to my dreams but as I mentioned in a previous post, this will happen no more. I've never even been outside of the states and honestly cannot afford to right now. But in the mean time I will better educate myself and stay updated with what's going on in the world and that's the easy part. The next step will be to get myself out of this country to go visit somewhere else as I've always wanted to.

That's the only way to live. You want it, go after it.

Anyways guys I'm gonna do a little more studying for school before I do more research on business stuff then I also have to get back to work on that video for my channel, hopefully it'll be up tomorrow. So much to do. But I will provide more for you guys tomorrow so until then keep working and keep thinking what's next.

See you guys tomorrow.


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