The small details

Day 17.
Family first.
Days like today I'm so thankful for, both to still be here to enjoy these moments with my friends and family as well as to be reawakened to the fact that tomorrow isn't guaranteed. What started off as another supposed free day for me quickly changed with plans set for me. I now look back and am so thankful for going out to spend time with my family, I needed it. If I ever reach my goals and successes I would literally and honestly have to be told that my family is okay and that I can focus on myself. I would and will give my family everything I have and will acquire, they deserve it and more. Family and friends will always be the first to doubt your dreams, but in the end they are the most important people for you to share your life with no matter what.

Days like today I really hope and hope and hope I make it. This is the path I've chosen and no matter how hard things get I won't give up.

Things are about to start changing. I make too many excuses. I ask for too much. I don't cherish the moment, I live too much in the future. I don't take care of my health as I should. I don't spend enough quality time with my family. I'm not the me that I want to be and it hurts to admit it.

But all that stops here. 17 days into this blog, nearly 11 months into this year, 10 minutes shy of 24 hours gone for today and I want change. I want to be better and I will be. 2017 has by far been a year of many successes, I'm so happy with my progress this year. But it's also had it's failures, there's still some lessons to be learned, some things to accomplish.

Today I've decided to make my personal brand, my brand Keep It Simple, and affiliate marketing my life. Not just what I do after class or in my free time but what I will spend my life fighting for. Whether it's creating YouTube videos, promoting my websites, creating content on social media, or working with affiliate programs I will make this work.

So many people ask the same old questions; what are you studying in school, what kind of job are you looking for, simple stuff like that. But the question I heard recently that I really like was "what kind of salary are you expecting," or "how much money do you expect to earn a year?" I like that question because my mind doesn't revolve around money. Money doesn't bring happiness. Yes I have very high financial goals but that does not mean I plan to switch majors to biology, go to Med school, and become a doctor. I believe that no matter what it is that you do, the HOW is the major fact. How you do what you do will impact the kind of money or success that you achieve in life, not the WHAT.

Man sometimes I feel so bad for the insecurities and problems I deal with, I'm so sure many people could relate with this opinion but it's so hard for me to motivate myself to speak to this stuff on camera. The people I'm around, those I know who will see it, and those I interact with, it just doesn't support the crazy person inside. But I'm making a promise to myself tonight to try to push myself to overcome this stuff so I can use my voice to help people.

I'm gonna keep going for you guys, keep moving forward.

See you guys tomorrow.

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