
Day 20.
Go checkout, follow, and subscribe to these two guys:
Greens Era & Boguards Anatomy
They are both amazing people doing great things and show amazing support!
If you guys read this, Thank you so much for the continued support, let's keep the family strong all the way!

As I mentioned in a post a while ago, always remember family first. I also have a video on my channel where I talk a little on those that matter in your life which I'll link below. There are so many aspects to your life that shape your behavior and the people you surround yourself with play a major role.

Link to the video is here

For me I have found again my dreams to be a famous YouTuber and to be able to live a lifestyle where I don't have to trade so much of my time for money. Besides considering the social environment around me I already find it difficult as is to pursue these dreams as I struggle with my own issues that I'm dealing with. Honestly, rather than focusing on enjoying this moment with girls for example or trying to find the next fun social gathering I'd rather use this time now to better myself. I don't aspire to be anyone else because I aspire to be the me of the future. I heard that phrase used by a YouTuber I'm subscribed to and could not agree more. Rather than think that I need to or want to be someone else just because they're doing something or have something that I want, I view it as I know that by next year I will have reached my goals, so that me of next year is the only guy I want to be. But I'm working on myself and I'm proud of how far I've come thus far, this is certainly not the end.
Regarding my social environment, no one around me wants my goals as bad as I do and that's honestly the way you have to see it. No one wants it as bad as I do so it's up to me to show up because it's what I want. And as for the competition if you think it's too tough or so many people already have what you want, I like the opinion of Eric Thomas; "You will not out work me." But as I'm sure he would agree, you are not in this alone. Over the past several weeks I have been grinding it out to really be a full time YouTuber and with the support of Greens Era, Boguards Anatomy, and pretty much all of you guys reading I know that this will happen. When you're doing what you love, no matter how hard the lows or how tough it may be, we will see you. #support

Thanks for reading guys, again I have to cut this post short, I'm gonna work on yet another video for you guys. I actually pushed myself to go out to film today so I'm gonna try to just quickly get that video to you guys by tonight. I have several other videos which are still unfinished and again I have pages of ideas now that I want to get filmed as well as a few major projects which I've talked about in the video for today =) so if you enjoyed this post please leave me some comments, share it with your friends, subscribe to my YouTube channel, checkout my guys at the top of the post, and most of all, keep moving forwards.

See you guys tomorrow.

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