No more

Day 6.
Days like today are where I face the most challenge. I'm working so hard to make this my life, where I can just do what I want to. I often face the challenge of being unable to answer what it is that I want to do with my life but I know exactly what it is that I wanna do with my life. I don't want to live for someone else. I don't want to do the things that you want me to (college, internships working in crappy gyms), I don't wanna do any of that bs. I want to do what I want to do and it doesn't matter if I can't directly describe that to you in words at any given moment. I'm tired of being unhappy. Days like today where I have things that I should be doing (studying, spending hours at my internship location), but I don't have any plans for the day. No homework due in the upcoming days, no assignments to intern this week, all the "friends" are busy.

So today marks the start of "No More." I won't allow myself to waste times like this because so many people would give anything for more time. Today is Monday and I haven't left the house, I don't have any bills to worry about or any responsibilities to tend to. I stress myself with the desire to do more when so many people say that "you're young, you're on the right path, you're doing great." Well let me tell me, it doesn't feel so. Why at age 22 is life so unhappy. Why do I constantly have to see people my age or similar doing the things that I want to be doing, living the life that I want to be living. Even if they're parent's bought them that car or can provide more support for them, why am I not/why don't I feel as if I'm progressing?

I'm so frustrated with being alone.

That marks the end of the negativity. Back to today. Today I will begin better using my time, I will begin to let my optimism shed light to my life. I won't allow anymore of this self pity, any more of this lack of appreciation for the blessings and opportunities that have been presented to me. And while referencing blessings, I will begin to mention in every blog (moment of reflection) what I'm thankful for and just how thankful I really am for these things. I'm serious man, if you're reading this then just know that I certainly am not financially rich nor am I doing all that great in other aspects of life. But today I sit here with hardly any responsibilities. My parents and family provide so much support for me to live the life that I currently live and man it hurts to just feel as if it's all for nothing. It would be a huge disappointment for me not to become successful. And just know that I don't walk around feeling this way but as I'm sitting here reflecting I'm truly able to visualize and grasp the opportunity present to me.

I'm gonna keep going with these blogs, for what it's worth. I hope I can at least help one person.

If you read this, leave me a comment and share it with those people in your life that you think could take value from it. I'd appreciate it.

See you guys tomorrow, unless I feel like writing later.

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