
Day 18.
Consistency is key. You can teach yourself to do anything, there's always room to grow. And on the contrary if you stop doing something or you weren't doing it to begin with, chances are you won't be able to do it. Although these blogs aren't necessarily a part of what I'm working on they help me to maintain consistency. Despite the ups and downs of the day when I come here to reflect, I get to reset. Everything is put back into perspective for me. Tomorrow is a new day.

But for me tonight is not over, I'm gonna try to read a little from this book I'm borrowing, "How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Selling" by Frank Bettger. I also want to do more research on affiliate marketing tonight as I'm setting my plans into place as to how I plan to form my own business through affiliate marketing and direct selling both with e-commerce through Shopify and through my own platform. I'm so excited to get started with this stuff, if you've read my previous posts I made my first sale through e-bay recently which has really motivated me to get into business. Over the next couple weeks I plan to either find a way to make sales through affiliate marketing, Shopify, or through arbitrage with products I'll keep in my own possession.

As for Keep It Simple, I plan to connect with as many people as possible who are willing to share their review and opinions on the brand. Nothing changes unless we make change and at least for me, public education is in need of change here in the states. In my experience I didn't learn a darn thing lol. Business? Investing? Diversity? Politics? Things will only get better if we work together to make them.

I'm hopefully gonna have this video done by tomorrow, in fact, I will. Tomorrow's gonna be a rainy day so I plan to get a lot of work done here behind my desk.

Anyways guys I gotta get to work, I'm gonna try to make these posts more informative for you guys, rather than just my personal reflection. I'm hoping to really begin vlogging and making my videos for the channel so that this blog will serve more of an educational/motivational purpose but until then.

See you guys tomorrow, keep moving forwards.

Checkout my YouTube channel here


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