Maybe the last hot day here in RVA

Day 12.
Another good day.

I am so relieved to announce that my E-bay product I sent out to a customer from Baltimore is indeed in transit and that I have not messed things up. If you haven't read my older posts, the item I sold was a small book and my final profit was about $2.50 but for me I am so happy. This was my first time selling anything online so this felt like a major milestone to hit. I dream to find work from home that can be made part time if not passive where I can create multiple streams of income for myself. I plan to do sales with Amazon's FBA program, sales on E-bay (arbitrage), as well as both affiliate and network marketing for sales.

If you know nothing about me and what I do, I plan to motivate and educate others to chase their dreams and to strive for their bests. I personally have high financial goals and therefore if you too share these goals then you'll find my content beneficial as I plan to document and teach everything that I'm doing to create platforms for myself to establish wealth. I have already started documenting my journey somewhat on my YouTube channel which is where I'll do most of my work as I love making videos.

You can checkout my YouTube channel by clicking here.

I have so much to fill you guys in on but... The Walking Dead is on man lol.

I may post again tonight, also new video should be out soon so stay tuned!

See you guys soon.


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