Gone all day

Day 3
Another good day...
The last words of a clip from today's upload on my channel here

I went to my 8 am class today expecting a long and dreadful day. My supervisor asked if I could come in for my internship from 2 to 7 pm which I think I told you guys yesterday that I didn't want to do. Thankfully I didn't have to go in for the internship, rather I spent the day doing what I wanted to do. The professor of my 8 am class let us out early which helped a ton. I went home and after sitting for an hour maybe I decided to go back out to enjoy the day. I played a little tennis and then skated for a bit before finally coming home. Thankfully I did what I mainly intended on doing. My one and only goal when going out is to film more, I am so excited to build my YouTube channel and thankfully I filmed the last clip for today's upload.

Anyways it's currently midnight, going on 1 am and tomorrow will certainly be a longer day. It's day 3, technically day 4 and we're still going strong. So much work to do before the year is over, I hope whoever is reading this is also working hard for their goals.

Thanks for reading, see you guys tomorrow.
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