A big step forward

Day 9.
Yo today I sold my first ever product online. I've had one other sale before but I had to cancel it as I was already in the physical store (Best Buy) returning that product (Nikon D3400) as I saw the email from Amazon regarding the sale. Today I sold 1 of the many college textbooks I have sitting here in my room, about $2.50 profit lol. So much money, so much to be excited about. But seriously, this sale has motivated and excited me far more than anything I've done thus far. I felt so accomplished to see that I had make income while at home and honestly didn't have to do much. I took a few photos, made a good listing, began writing yesterdays post, and about 5 minutes later I received an email from E-bay and Paypal confirming the sale and the fact that money had been added to my account. =O

I now want to keep selling, I honestly see myself selling everything I own for the thrill of it lol. But no, after sharing the news with my business partner (if you watch my YouTube videos you may have seen him) we have decided to give our full time effort if not just more than our current effort towards our businesses. My partner previously purchased Tanner J Fox's course on Amazon FBA, I know a little about social media marketing as well as email and affiliate marketing, and we both have plans to open Shopify stores. We have to make this work. I'm enjoying the process of building my personal brand and I hope that you all, my few readers, are enjoying these posts as I'm only gonna keep pushing and keep working here. The blogs and YouTube videos are my main focus so I'm hoping you guys will begin to subscribe, leave me some comments, and share this stuff so we can grow the community.

I always feel so bad about wasting time and that is still something I need to work on, but days like today make me feel like I'm atleast working towards something. Most people my age if not most people in general are far beyond where I am by all means, I'm sure you reading this have at least even some idea of how to sell a product on Amazon and/or E-bay; but I'm learning. I'm trying to get better. And if you ask why you should follow me, why am I pursuing a personal brand or even promoting my brand so heavily:

not every 22 year old knows this stuff, maybe some if not most are in similar situations as me. I still to this day don't know how to put air in my car's tire man, but I'm working on it. So what do I do, or want to do, I want to help those that need it. I know that I will reach my goals in life and I want to both capture this process of getting there and to be able to help those that have similar goals to reach theirs. I want to capture/document my journey in order to educate/motivate/inspire others to go out and work harder. If I can do it, you can do it. If recording a simple video of me embarassing myself while learning how to do something, while trying something for the first time, while growing as a person will help, then that's what I'm gonna do. And we will win. I love making videos guys so please if you read these posts, go subscribe to my YouTube channel, the videos I have uploaded thus far may not be all that great, I agree, but give me some time to get better, give me a chance.

Thank you, see you tomorrow.

My YouTube channel


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